A corner of Farinon College Center got a facelift after three arcade games were installed near the front entrance in Lower Farinon last weekend, scoring points with students.
The three new games installed by the Office of Student Involvement are NBA Jam, Ms. Pac-Man and Mortal Kombat. All games are free to play.
“Based on student feedback, there has been a desire to create more fun, interactive, and comfortable gathering spaces in the building,” Director of Student Involvement Vanessa Pearson wrote in an email, with responses written by herself and Associate Director of Student Involvement Melissa Dalrymple.
“Some of the best conversations and connections happen over a shared experience, like a board game or an arcade game,” the email said.
Some students were pleased by the new addition.
“I saw them moving the machines and I got really excited,” Virginia Parparcen ‘25 said. “I love those kinds of games.”
“It just became really addicting, really fast,” Parth Mahajan ‘27 said of NBA Jam. “I don’t remember the last time I was that invested in a game.”
Pearce Foulk ‘27 added that he liked the “cool, vintage feel” of the games.
In addition to the three main arcade-style video games, a large-scale Connect4 game was installed on the wall along with some new artwork. The Office of Student Involvement added a shelf of board games to the area last fall, which are still included in the renovated space.
Student Involvement oversees the space and will hold primary responsibility for the upkeep of the arcade machines.