The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette

The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette

The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette


The Lafayette is always looking to cover interesting stories about Lafayette students, faculty and staff, on campus and off. If you have a story idea, please feel free to email a tip to [email protected]. You might just see it in the next edition.

In addition, anyone can submit an op-ed, review or letter to the editor. Please limit opinion submissions to 550 words or less. Responses to articles fall under the category of Letters to the Editor. Please limit Letters to the Editor to 400 words or less. The Lafayette reserves the right to edit the length of opinion submissions and Letters to the Editor. Opinions appearing in The Lafayette are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff, reporters or advisor of The Lafayette. The Lafayette reserves the right to not print submissions which it considers unprintable. Anonymous letters will only be considered for print if they are signed and if the author requests anonymity with a valid cause to do so. All such requests will be honored and held in the strictest confidence of the editor.

We finalize each weekly issue on Wednesday nights, so if you would like to see your submission in the next print edition, email it to [email protected] with a brief description of yourself by Wednesday at 4 p.m. That way, we can work with you on clarity and style before we print it.