“What can I do with my English degree?” students ask – that is the question. Lafayette admissions counselors and panelists all respond, “What can’t you do with your English degree?”
In pursuit of further answering this question, the English Club has been founded and will be officially up and running next semester.
The club is co-advised by chair of American Studies Professor Steven Belletto and associate department head of English and Women’s and Gender Studies, Professor Deborah Byrd. The two formed it with intentions to provide a place for English students to interact with one another as well as faculty members in settings outside the classroom.
“There are many fascinating aspects of the English major at Lafayette, including but not limited to literature and writing, and I think students wanted an opportunity to explore some of these aspects in fresh and exciting ways,” Belletto said.
As the first American college to establish a chair for the study of English language and literature, the club is a necessary extension.
The club will be student-driven, and students are currently drafting its first constitution. The hope is that in the future, the club will sponsor presentations by writers and other prominent figures in the world of English. Other plans include hosting brownbag lunches and events highlighting what former English majors have done with their degree after graduating. Another exciting proposal is that members organize trips to New York City to attend relevant cultural events.
Students interested in writing, literature, film, textual analysis, or journalism are invited to join the club. A kick-off ice cream social for students interested in joining will be held today at 4:30 p.m. in the lobby of Pardee Hall. Faculty will discuss the progress of the club’s formation thus far and students attending can contribute their ideas on its development.