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The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette

The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette

The Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania

The Lafayette


The Lafayette serves the Easton and Lafayette College communities and, as such, encourages engagement from its readership.

For those looking to share a story idea with The Lafayette, please email your tip to or use The Lafayette’s tip line, available at You might just see it in the next edition.

Guidelines for opinion submissions

Opinion submissions take two forms: op-eds (a structured piece sharing an author’s opinion or expertise on any given topic) and letters to the editor (a more direct piece addressed to the editor of The Lafayette, often written in response to specific articles or issues). Anyone can submit an op-ed or letter to the editor.

Please limit op-eds to 550 words or less. Letters to the editor are limited to 400 words or less and must be addressed to the editor.

The Lafayette reserves the right to edit opinion submissions for length, clarity and style. Opinions appearing in The Lafayette are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lafayette or its staff. The Lafayette reserves the right not to print submissions that it considers unprintable. All submissions must be signed by the author.

Anonymous letters will only be considered for print under sensitive circumstances at the discretion of the editor-in-chief. All such requests will be honored and held in the strictest confidence of the editor.

How to submit opinion submissions

The editorial staff prepares each weekly issue on Wednesday nights during the academic year, in advance of its finalization on Thursday and distribution via print and digital upload on Friday. If you would like to see your opinion submission in the next edition, email it to by 4 p.m. Wednesday the week in which you wish to see it appear. The staff will work with you on clarity and style before publication.

All submissions should be sent as a Word document, Google Doc or in the body of the email, and must be accompanied by a brief description of yourself as a relevant author. We also invite those who submit op-eds to include a photograph to accompany the content of the submission.

The Lafayette does not follow a set publication schedule outside of the academic year. Opinion pieces submitted outside of the academic year will be reviewed, edited and digitally published on a case-by-case basis. Opinion submissions received outside of the academic year may be published in the first print edition of the semester if the author so desires.