Kyle Johnson: You are the team captain, what does this role mean to you and what are some of its responsibilities?
Ryan Egan: My main focus has been to keep a positive outlook on our season and foster relationship building within the team. We pride ourselves on being like a family. Along with that, I try to lead by example on and off the field by working hard and managing my time.
KJ: Does this role translate to other things in life?
RE: My role absolutely translates into other aspects of my life. I try to be proactive, instead of being reactive, along with be the best person I can be to make my community better.
KJ: You are a government and law major, not easy by any means; how do you balance the demands of the major with soccer?
RE: I changed from a biology major to a gov [sic] and law major after my freshman year. It is still challenging but it all comes down to time management and effort. Hard work translates on and off the field to performance.
KJ: Is there anything you like to do to prepare yourself for games?
RE: Every game day I try to keep the same schedule with my eating, sleeping and even getting dressed for the game.
KJ: Who is your favorite soccer player?
RE: My favorite soccer player has always been Wayne Rooney.
KJ: Do you try and model your game after him in any ways?
RE: His grit and work ethic are tremendous attributes for him, and I try to do the same when I am on the field. Whenever he is on the field he can make something happen with the quality he has.
KJ: Favorite food?
RE: My favorite food is Penne alla Vodka.
KJ: Favorite place to study on campus?
RE: I always go to a classroom or the library. I study best in academic settings in order to get my mind adjusted and ready to do work.
KJ: Is there a memorable moment that sticks out to you on the pitch?
RE: My most memorable soccer moments have been beating Lehigh. Those wins are something I will always cherish and remember.
KJ: Do you have a nickname on the team?
RE: All of the guys on the team call me Egan. Not the most creative nickname.