Photo by Katie Weeks ‘16

Charlotte Avallone burst onto the scene early this spring for the Lafayette women’s lacrosse team. The sophomore attack scored four goals against Binghamton on Saturday to propel the Leopards to a 12-6 victory, and now has seven goals and an assist in five games this season.
You lettered in both soccer and lacrosse in high school. Why did you choose lacrosse for college?
My mom advocated for lacrosse over soccer. It was a new sport becoming more and more popular. I love soccer but I realized I had a better opportunity with lacrosse. I had better coaches in high school and in my town it was easier to get recognition playing lacrosse.
Other accomplishments of yours include captaining the soccer team, running track, all-county lacrosse selection, student government representative, and school orchestra member. Would you call yourself an overachiever?
A lot of things were pushed by my three older sisters. I followed in their footsteps and learned to love it. Nothing was forced upon me, it was nice having so many different options. They were opportunities that not everyone gets.
What instrument do you play?
I don’t actually play an instrument anymore. I used to play the cello and the piano. I still really love playing the piano.
Who’s your personal hero?
My mom is my role model and my hero. She is the strongest person I have ever met. We have a family with a line of strong women and she’s the one I strive to be like.
You started running 5K races when you were nine years old. Why so young, and what do you love best about running?
Again, a lot of it had to do with my sisters. I didn’t do it to get a medal or anything, we usually just did it for the cause the race represented. There is one in East Hampton we do every year; it’s called Ellen’s Run. For not being the runner in the family I just try to keep up.
What don’t people know about you?
I’m very big into food. Only my close friends really know but a lot of my personality resolves around food. I love to cook and I act as a food critic too.
You’re an international affairs major. Have you ever played lacross abroad? Would you like to?
I think it would be really cool to play abroad somewhere. I don’t know what it will be like after college, if that is something I want to pursue. But I want to finish strong my years in college and make those my best years.
Are girls lacrosse players as tough as they are portrayed in Mean Girls?
The competitive side of it, yes. I also think it is much more of a team sport than it’s portrayed. I know they hug at the end, but it really is a connection that you can’t find anywhere else. It’s a dependence on someone and the reliance that they will have your back.
Any plans to pursue sports after college?
I don’t know about competitive sports on an actual team. But I will definitely need to be doing something that involves a team and being active. I can’t picture my life without a sport or competition.