Dear editor,
Please allow me to address certain inaccuracies in the recent faculty motion regarding the college’s communications staff and my tenure as interim vice president of that team.
Contrary to language in the motion, the team is fully staffed at the same size as it has been for years. It is a strong and capable team that I’ve been proud to serve alongside. The motion also incorrectly states that I served 3.5 years as interim vice president, when I served for 2.5 years.
Finally, the motion accuses my company, my colleague Kim Verstandig and me of “conflict of interest.” Respectfully, that is not based in fact. The president’s message that announced Kim — who has 30 years of experience as a fundraising professional — as Lafayette’s interim vice president of advancement made explicit that she was an employee of my company. She answers in that role to President Hurd, not to my company or me. I should add that there is nothing unusual about a college contracting with several individuals from the same firm for services since it can bring together deep knowledge about the institution. It is also common practice for institutions to hire interim leaders during moments of transition to provide experienced leadership before and while the related search is underway.
Pete Mackey, Ph.D.