Aubrey Baumbach ‘17, the Lafayette student who was injured after getting hit by a car back in November coming back from crew practice, has been completing her rehabilitation without complications, according to a Facebook post by her parents.
In the post, which was published in a group called “Aubrey’s Oddyssey,” a Facebook page dedicated to providing updates and showing support for Baumbach’s recovery, Baumbach’s parents said that she is currently in her rehabilitation phase, and is getting better with every session.
“[Aubrey] is showing positive signs toward recovery and we are extremely happy to have her stable enough to benefit from the outstanding resources available at this state-of-the-art facility,” the post said. “She has been able to participate in occupational, physical, and speech therapies everyday, without interruption, with expert therapist[s] guiding her way. Although we know that she will continue to encounter obstacles along the way, planned and unforeseen, we are relieved to know that she has reached this point in the recovery process.”
Before that, Baumbach’s recovery was impeded by a series of difficulties while in the hospital, but since entering her rehab, the problems have subsided.
“Until two weeks ago, Aubrey’s days have been plagued with crisis situations requiring intensive medical interventions,” the post said. “This has required our undivided attention and we have been by her side at all times. Although we still remain with her at all times, her condition in the past few weeks have us feeling more confident in her stability and steady progress and we are starting to ‘come up for air’.”
The Baumbachs thanked those who have shown their vocal support, on the page for Aubrey’s recovery for their words, and asked them to keep doing more.
“Wishing you through this message to keep courage as you have apparently done so well so far,” a post published on Sunday from Coralie Chardy said. “We believe in you and pray for your recovery.”
“Another Lafayette mom stopping by to let you know I keep your close in prayer and thought on a daily basis,” a post published last Friday from Theresa M. McCormack said. “Stay strong.”
Baumbach’s parents said they were excited to keep giving updates to the group as Baumbach goes through her recovery.
“We look forward to being able to share Aubrey’s progress as she continues to benefit from the therapies in the weeks and months ahead,” the post said.
Editor’s note: If you would like to send a card or reach out to Aubrey and her family, please use this address:
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Room 823
300 1st Avenue
Charlestown, MA 02129