In Student Government’s most recent meeting, a Q&A session with two college administrators was hosted, followed by committee head elections. The session largely focused on the aftermath of a faculty no-confidence vote against college President Nicole Hurd.
Vice President for Student Life Sarah Moschenross and Hurd’s Chief of Staff Nicole Eramo addressed questions from Student Government members about the state of the college following the no-confidence vote on Jan. 28. A common theme of the organization’s questions was a feeling of uncertainty about the effects of the vote.
Eramo said that the Board of Trustees would reply to the vote “fairly soon.” The board has since issued a statement declaring “complete confidence” in Hurd. Eramo and Moschenross suggested that the proceedings would not have a significant impact on student life.
“I’m trying to take away lessons from what I heard that day, and things that we can do better to ensure that we are communicating better with the faculty, helping them understand what we do as administrators,” Eramo said when asked if she was surprised about the vote outcome.
“I think that that’s my takeaway, that there’s maybe a little bit of lack of understanding of where we sit,” she continued.
Moschenross praised Student Government President Alex Brown ’26 for speaking at Tuesday’s faculty meeting as a representative of the organization and said that she hoped students “all feel supported and not so anxious.”
The following general body representatives were then elected to the following committee and ad hoc chairs:
- Yuko Tanaka ’26: Academic Affairs Chair
- Inclusivity Officer Lunca Garces ’27: Equity & Inclusion Chair
- Dorothy Fort ’26: Student Life Chair
- Sophia Lombardo ’26: Sustainability Chair
- Selina Zhu ’27: Dining Ad Hoc Chair
- Christo Maheras ’26: Student Organizations Chair and Financial Guidelines Rewrite Chair
After a members-only executive session that lasted around 20 minutes, the meeting proceeded to the open floor with event announcements. Inclusivity Officer Luna Garces ‘27 announced the hosting of a student organization diversity, equity and inclusion forum on Jan. 31. Student Government also announced that it would hold a retreat for members in the Leopard’s Lair on Feb. 1.