Thank you for the article about Ramadan dining in your April 14 edition. I appreciate you offering the Lafayette community a window to learn about the varied religions and cultures practiced by our student body.
It’s important to clarify a few inaccuracies and also to share a couple of related items.
It is inaccurate to say that no Ramadan accommodations existed on campus before last year. In my eleven years at the College, accommodations and events for Ramadan have been supported annually. We’ve had especially good support since Chris Brown joined Lafayette Dining Services in his role as General Manager for Bon Appetit.
The article mentions the Halal chicken that is served on campus. It is important to note that the chicken served at the ECO Cafe in RISC and in Marquis for Wings Friday is not Halal. This is a recent change. Be sure to ask a member of the Dining Services staff if you have any questions about the food being served in a particular location.
The Muslim Students Association is to be commended for the huge amount of work they do to coordinate with both Religious and Spiritual Life and Dining Services for Ramadan. Similarly, I know that Dining Services plans menus with other religious and dietary needs in mind. Kosher-for-Passover items are available, as are non-meat options for those observing Lent, and vegetarian options for those who require meatless meals.
Religious and Spiritual Life works with offices across campus to address accommodations for dietary needs related to religious observances. It is important to note that does not mean that all requests can be met. One of the biggest reasons for difficulties and frustrations is the lack of advance planning. I would ask that any individual or group who anticipate needing assistance with their religious needs reach out as far in advance as possible. For example, staffing to keep dining halls open late cannot be accomplished without enough notice.
Finally, I respectfully ask The Lafayette to consult me in the future when writing articles that mention me or Religious and Spiritual Life. I was not consulted about the April 14th article. Clear communication can go a long way in helping our community to understand the whole picture of what it means to be a diverse, hospitable institution.
Truly yours,
Rev. Dr. Alexandra Hendrickson (she/her)
College Chaplain and Director of Religious and Spiritual Life